We all have different things we turn to
In our times of desperate need
Could be Music, Internet, other people...
Maybe sometimes drinking -
So much that we get ourselves tipsy or high... Or even so deep, we're sinking
It gets to that one moment when we feel the love's gone
Or even our best song won't uplift us anymore...
Then the things we're looking at can add to the anger
"Be angry and do not sin" - Do you really want to cause more damage or danger ?
Just think for a bit, okay...
The brain stores memories
God uses our past
So when you think it's a shame that memory still last,
Don't. Because your experiences make you who you are now
But then there's an even better thing - Who JESUS wants you to be
The experiences hurt
It may leads us to suffer
Even more now than it did in the past matter
But count it all joy, because the Lord can make a disaster
A victory
Don't forget that He died on the cross
For you. For me. For us. For them.
That we could unify with the Father again
And that's through JESUS alone.
You see,
He took on the shame
He took on the pain
That we carried ourselves
To make the exchange
Of heavy to light
From hard to easy
That cross shows us how dark & ugly our sins were
That's what distances us from Him
If He feels far away, guess who moved ?
...It all started from the bottom of Calvary
That painful, agonising, complete torture of a journey
Because He loves them.
Because He loves us.
Because He loves you.
He "came to seek and to save that which was lost"
In no means can sin be justified
Through the shedding of His blood, we are justified.
You can use that past to give God the glory He deserves
So you can amount to something
He lived in humility
Though He came from Heaven
He came to be like us
That we may become LIKE Him
That's what a CHRISTian is.
So. We all need Him. Because right now, we are far from His ways
But He was without sin when He came to be like & among us
Therefore, we can do it. It IS possible
Draw near to Him & He'll draw near to you
Abiding by His grace is what enables us to move
You weren't made to lose
Grow in the relationship with Him
That'll strengthen you
You think it's too late ?
No. No it isn't
He's still calling you to be His child
To come home.
Run to Him
Know what it feels like to never feel alone
JESUS. He's the True Friend you're looking for.
Bless you. Know that all that you want and need that is within God's will for you will be obtain when you ask Him. He desires that relationship with that you can grown in His light and His word... So that He can save you. Only Jesus can. That's a fact. He desires and chases after US. So please don't push Him away. He'll always be good to you and never give you more than you can bear.
Jesus does exist.
Jesus is real.
Jesus is alive.
Jesus is coming back...
And Jesus wants us to be right with Him.. Don't reject His call to and FOR you.
Peace & Blessings (y)